Sunday Sunday
Well, I managed to get a few wins this week after all! I got a call Thursday from a radio station, I won two football tickets and an Outback GC, total Value $95!!! Then I got a Sony AM/FM Walkman in the mail from the Little Debbie Contest ($17.95), and yesterday I got a Dasani Backpack Cooler($25)!! Woooo hooooooo! I had to go to New Bern after work on Friday to pick up the tickets from the radio station, and we all went to Applebees for supper and then Harris Teeter for groceries. James bought me some diamond earrings and a bunch of daisies for our anniversary, and he fixed the flat tire on my mustang, and got the oil changed in my Pilot! He still has a few items on his list, but I'm not complaining! Alex is back from Jamie's already, he dropped her off at 1pm today, apparently he had had enough of her LOL. She's being ok right now, I printed off a bunch of Disney pics for her to color, and I'm being forced to watch Casper on laserdisc. I am going to do a few mail ins today...and I have 124 entries in my sweepstakes!! I need to work on the page for next month....but Im still not sure which prize to give away. I might put a couple of items on there and give the winner a choice, still debating. Ok, I'm off to do mail ins. FUN FUN FUN!!!