Friday, July 07, 2006

Why do cats always spew on rugs?

I mean really I have vinyl flooring all over my house yet they always manage to cough up a hairball or spew chunks of meow mix all over a nice rug. UGH.

I have had a pretty good couple of weeks, I sold my mustang convertible and also received rental money so I am now caught up on all my bills and can afford good food. Last week I won 5 things: a Reese's tshirt, a Bedhead Tshirt, a Nokia 6016i phone with $25 service, a keychain, and an iPod nano!!! YAY!!!! So far this week I have only won a baseball cap but hey it was a holiday week. (Most of the items I win go into my Christmas box for presents.)

On July 16 I am going on vacation to the lovely Emerald Isle, NC where my sisters and I have rented a beach cottage for a week of sun, surf, relaxation and good food. We usually rent a condo but this year we got our own private house so we have our OWN PRIVATE POOL. YAY!!!

I received 2 movie tickets I won plus a $100 check I won (from Mike & Ike instant win game) so I took the kids to the movies on Wednesday to see Nacho Libre. It was not the best movie I have ever seen, nor the worst. If you thought Napoleon Dynamite was funny you will probably like it. We laughed quite a bit throughout the movie. Jack Black does his usual bit singing maniacally to the camera which is, to be honest, kinda scary although not as scary as seeing him shirtless in tight pants.

Tonight I promised the kids I would take them to see Pirates of the Caribbean. I will let y'all know if it's any good.