A-Z About Me
A - Available: No
A - Age: 38
A - Annoyance: Telemarketers!!!!
B - Bestest Friend[s]: Beth & Crys
B - Birthday: February 19
C - Crush: nah
C - Car: Honda Pilot
C - Candy: Peppermint Patty
D - Day or night: night
D - Dream Car: Baby blue volkswagen convertible or a red mini cooper or anything hybrid
E- Easiest person to talk to?: James
E- Eggs: fried inside bread
F - Favorite Month: November
F - Favorite color(s): lavender (just look @ myspace)
F - Favorite Memory: any time spent with my parents
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: bears
G - Giver or taker: Giver
H - Hair Color: red
H - Height: 5'6
H - Happy: Only in moderation
I - Ice Cream: Mint Choc Chip
I - Instrument: Piano
J - Jewelry: "J" necklace by Tina Tang http://www.tinatang.com/mon-j.htm
and a couple of rings
J - Job: Office Manager
J - Jail: Not yet but there is still time.
K - Kids: 2 girls
K - Kickboxing or Karate: Kickboxing
K - Kindergarden: kool aid cookies and naptime!
L - Longest Car Ride: NC to Florida with James driving
M - Milk Flavor: white
M - Most missed person: Mom & Dad
M - Movie: Amelie
N - Number of Siblings:3
N - Number of Tattoos: 1 butterfly
N - Name: Julie Anne
O - ONE WiSH: for my kids to be happy and move out one day
O - One Phobia: tidal wave
O - One regret: Dropped out of college. Dumb ass *hits self*
P- Pet Peeves: people over 80 who drive
P- Part of your appearance you like best?: my piggies
P- Part of your personality?: the crazy part
Q- Quote: Alex, I can't take anymore Disney Channel or I am gonna flip out!
Q- Quick or Slow: quick
R - Reason to smile: I'm alive
R - Reality TV Show: none
R - Reason to cry: missing my parents
S - Song Last Heard: Over My Head
S - Season: autumn
S - Shoe: 10 argh
T - Time you woke up: 5:30, hit snooze
T - Time Now: 1:49 pm
T - Time for bed: whenever- yes its the weekend!!
U - U love someone: of course, duh
U - Unpredictable?: yep
U - Underwear: silky briefs- how can you stand to wear a thong up your ass
V - Vegetable you hate: Celery. You hate corn on the cob? WTF??
V - Vacation spot: Paradise Island, Bahamas
W- Worst Habits: drinking soft drinks
W- Where are you going to travel next?: Bahamas Cruise next year
W- Weather right now: Fantastic!
X - X-Rays: Yeah not lately though. *knock wood*
Y - Year you were born: 1968
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: James' favorite color
Z - Zoo Animal: Penguin of course
A - Age: 38
A - Annoyance: Telemarketers!!!!
B - Bestest Friend[s]: Beth & Crys
B - Birthday: February 19
C - Crush: nah
C - Car: Honda Pilot
C - Candy: Peppermint Patty
D - Day or night: night
D - Dream Car: Baby blue volkswagen convertible or a red mini cooper or anything hybrid
E- Easiest person to talk to?: James
E- Eggs: fried inside bread
F - Favorite Month: November
F - Favorite color(s): lavender (just look @ myspace)
F - Favorite Memory: any time spent with my parents
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: bears
G - Giver or taker: Giver
H - Hair Color: red
H - Height: 5'6
H - Happy: Only in moderation
I - Ice Cream: Mint Choc Chip
I - Instrument: Piano
J - Jewelry: "J" necklace by Tina Tang http://www.tinatang.com/mon-j.htm
and a couple of rings
J - Job: Office Manager
J - Jail: Not yet but there is still time.
K - Kids: 2 girls
K - Kickboxing or Karate: Kickboxing
K - Kindergarden: kool aid cookies and naptime!
L - Longest Car Ride: NC to Florida with James driving
M - Milk Flavor: white
M - Most missed person: Mom & Dad
M - Movie: Amelie
N - Number of Siblings:3
N - Number of Tattoos: 1 butterfly
N - Name: Julie Anne
O - ONE WiSH: for my kids to be happy and move out one day
O - One Phobia: tidal wave
O - One regret: Dropped out of college. Dumb ass *hits self*
P- Pet Peeves: people over 80 who drive
P- Part of your appearance you like best?: my piggies
P- Part of your personality?: the crazy part
Q- Quote: Alex, I can't take anymore Disney Channel or I am gonna flip out!
Q- Quick or Slow: quick
R - Reason to smile: I'm alive
R - Reality TV Show: none
R - Reason to cry: missing my parents
S - Song Last Heard: Over My Head
S - Season: autumn
S - Shoe: 10 argh
T - Time you woke up: 5:30, hit snooze
T - Time Now: 1:49 pm
T - Time for bed: whenever- yes its the weekend!!
U - U love someone: of course, duh
U - Unpredictable?: yep
U - Underwear: silky briefs- how can you stand to wear a thong up your ass
V - Vegetable you hate: Celery. You hate corn on the cob? WTF??
V - Vacation spot: Paradise Island, Bahamas
W- Worst Habits: drinking soft drinks
W- Where are you going to travel next?: Bahamas Cruise next year
W- Weather right now: Fantastic!
X - X-Rays: Yeah not lately though. *knock wood*
Y - Year you were born: 1968
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: James' favorite color
Z - Zoo Animal: Penguin of course