Thursday, December 14, 2006

happiness from within....

I posted this on my myspace blog earlier today and thought it was worth sharing on blogger as well....
I finally got a good night's sleep!! YAY!! Two muscle relaxers did the trick, baby, I slept like a log. I feel so much better today. I think I will recover from this break up really quickly as I haven't the slightest urge to check up on the a-hole, I don't care wtf he is doing or with who. That just proves what I had really known all along, I didn't love him to begin with. I did care about him, but I couldn't bring myself to love him, partially because I knew he was not trustworthy and would always confide in someone else before me, if he had a problem, and that is not right! I am telling anyone reading this, if you have a problem with your gf/bf whatever, you don't need to go talking to strange people online for advice. Well wait a minute by saying that I am telling you not to take my advice. Oh well, what I am trying to say is that if there is a problem you should discuss it with your SO first, and not a complete stranger, unless of course they are licensed therapists...otherwise it only leads to trouble. So many relationships and marriages have collapsed due to the ease of "internet love affairs". I consider it cheating, to me it is worse than just having sex with someone else. I mean they are pouring their heart out to someone else day after day behind your back, telling them they love them, betraying the one who cares about them. Its cruel. I call it emotional cheating.
Whatever, it's my own stupidity for staying with someone I did not love, deep down I knew he would never change. If any girl online shows him the least bit of attention, he falls madly in love.
I am on to bigger *hehe* and better things and even if the right man doesn't come along, I don't even care....I think my life is pretty damned good as it is. At least I am no longer living a lie.