Friday, August 29, 2008

mad libs- Stories are posted!

mad libs- Stories are posted!
Current mood: crazy

Here you go! Enjoy... (posted in order of emails received)

Paul's Madlib

Myspace is a SEXY place where SLUTTY people gather to become BISEXUALS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you SHANK them. If you SHAG them regularly, they will LICK you back. Also it is a place where you can express your LEMURS by posting AROUSING, RAVENOUS blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you SCHOOL GIRLS if they really like it.
So EAT online and have some DILDOS with your friends. You never know you might meet a CHICKEN who turns into a HAMMER. Just keep your BREASTS open for AWNRY friends because they might turn into stalkers or RUBBERS. A little safety prevents a lot of COOKIE.

Paul I really think that first sentence is true of most myspacers. lol

Chilli's Madlib

Myspace is a FUNKY place where STRIPEY people gather to become SPACIAL. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you CURL them. If you HOLD them regularly, they will RUN you back. Also it is a place where you can express your TREES by posting RED, WET blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you ZEBRAS if they really like it.
So SWIM online and have some SUN with your friends. You never know you might meet a WHALE who turns into MILK. Just keep your HEARTS open for BOUNCY friends because they might turn into stalkers or SMELLERS. A little safety prevents a lot of SUNFLOWER.

Chilli are you going to write a blog about me??lmao

Melissa's Madlib

Myspace is a BLUE place where LOVELY people gather to become GRANDPARENTS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you PLAY them. If you F**K them regularly, they will STALK you back. Also it is a place where you can express your WOMEN by posting FABULOUS, UGLY blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you FRIENDS if they really like it.
So JUMP online and have some COMPUTER with your friends. You never know you might meet a WILD HORSE who turns into TABLE.
Just keep your BOOBS open for CRAZY friends because they might turn into stalkers or MAKERS. A little safety prevents a lot of CAKE.

Melissa the 2nd and 3rd sentences are so true.haha!

Rhoda's Madlib

Myspace is a FAT place where FUNNY people gather to become PERSONAL SHOPPERS AND CLIENTS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you SKIP them. If you KISS them regularly, they will BURP you back. Also it is a place where you can express your SOCKS by posting PUTRID, SWOLLEN blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you NIPPLES if they really like it.
So OOZE online and have some CAR with your friends. You never know you might meet a GOAT who turns into MACHINE.
Just keep your FEET open for VAST friends because they might turn into stalkers or MEDITATORS. A little safety prevents a lot of VOMIT.

ROFLMAO Rhoda you are too much! And I believe Goat in the Machine was the original title for the Police song, but luckily Andy and Stewart convinced Sting to change it pre-release.

Neale's Madlib

Myspace is a BIG place where LONG people gather to become LOVERS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you FLIRT them. If you EXCHANGE them regularly, they will GAMBLE you back. Also it is a place where you can express your GASES by posting DISARMING, HEROIC blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you REBELS if they really like it.
So MEND online and have some MADMAN with your friends. You never know you might meet a SHEEP who turns into CREAM.
Just keep your THIGHS open for SOCIAL friends because they might turn into stalkers or ASSISTORS. A little safety prevents a lot of SEX.

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

David's Madlib

Myspace is a BEAUTIFUL place where SLIPPERY people gather to become SLAVES. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you WALK them. If you WORK them regularly, they will MASTICATE you back. Also it is a place where you can express your WINDOWS by posting HOT, COLD blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you SKITTLES if they really like it.
So SUCK online and have some TABLE with your friends. You never know you might meet a KANGAROO who turns into CHAIR.
Just keep your HANDS open for HUGE friends because they might turn into stalkers or VOGUERS. A little safety prevents a lot of UMBRELLA.

Haha! I am totally leaving skittles from now on. And its funny I do have friends who have turned into voguers. How uncanny! :P And I agree that Umbrella song has been way overdone.

HellRazer's Madlib

Myspace is an ENGORGED place where PURPLE people gather to become TEACHERS/STUDENTS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you RUN them. If you FLY them regularly, they will DRIVE you back. Also it is a place where you can express your MUFFINS by posting HARD, MONSTROUS blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you MOUNTAINS if they really like it.
So GARGLE online and have some APPLE with your friends. You never know you might meet a WOLF who turns into PEN.
Just keep your BOOBS open for SPHERICAL friends because they might turn into stalkers or CLICKERS. A little safety prevents a lot of ROAD.

That is how people express muffins! :O

Sue's Madlib

Myspace is an DRUNK place where MESSY people gather to become FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you JUMP them. If you TOUCH them regularly, they will PLAY you back. Also it is a place where you can express your VIBRATORS by posting VELVETY, LUMPY blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you CARS if they really like it.
So RUN online and have some BATHROOM with your friends. You never know you might meet a DONKEY who turns into YOUR BOYFRIEND.
Just keep your BOOBIES open for SMALL friends because they might turn into stalkers or SWIMMERS. A little safety prevents a lot of BELLYBUTTON.

Lmao @ Donkey line!

Donna's Madlib

Myspace is an SLIMY place where SATISFIED people gather to become LESBIAN LOVERS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you SUCK them. If you SPEW them regularly, they will ROTATE you back. Also it is a place where you can express your VIBRATORS by posting CRAZY, CREEPY blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you MYSTERIOUS PACKAGES if they really like it.
So JIGGLE online and have some UPS MAN with your friends. You never know you might meet a RAT who turns into BRA.
Just keep your TOES open for SLICK friends because they might turn into stalkers or SPITTERS. A little safety prevents a lot of MOTOR OIL.

Hahaha I want to have some UPS man!!!!!!!

Oooh just got one from Wayfaring Panda!

Myspace is an FRIGHTENING place where FETID people gather to become UNNATURAL UNIONS. You can arrange your friends in order of how much you DISINTER them. If you PLOT them regularly, they will WOBBLE you back. Also it is a place where you can express your REGRETS by posting CHEAP, DERANGED blogs that your friends can comment on and leave you BOBBINS if they really like it.
So VENERATE online and have some SECRETION with your friends. You never know you might meet a VOLE who turns into a SPHINCTER.
Just keep your NOSTRILS open for SCROFULOUS friends because they might turn into stalkers or EATERS. A little safety prevents a lot of PICNIC.

Oh dear I need a dictionary, Pronto!
I have formed a few unnatural unions, ROFL! And I love the blog part!